Sunday, August 25, 2019

Hi Aryan and Avantika,

I am at loss of words to say anything. years have gone by but my fight for you  has not stopped i quit everything and running after courts to see you and be part of you. I am fighting against the system. I keep fighting for you. Will never give up.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Love you Aryan and Avantika

Everyday I wake up early , yet still in  bed for hours with your thoughts  in my mind. I go to bed with you in my mind at night. I have so many precious memories of you, but you will live forever in my heart. Love - Your Papa

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Kanna Aryan & Baby Avantika,

In this world where is Bad there good right next;

Where there is Ugly they is Beauty right next;

where there is Evil there is Virtuous;

Where There is Despair there is Hope right next;

Where there is failure there is success right next;

Happiness in life depends on taking conscious decisions 

avoid all that is bad, evil and ugly minds.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Have Big Dreams

Dear Aryan and Avantika,
I have met you in supreme court mediation center, not an ideal place to see you and meet you and spend time with you, in between other waiting with other litigants in the cramped lobby. you have been completely brainwashed and felt distant and unable to connect given to poisonous tutoring of a despicable mind. I still love you and miss you. your childhood was robbed from you and me.

All i can tell you have big dreams study hard and direct your energies towards it.  Achieve something in life. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

your Grandfather is sick and in hospital

Dear Aryan and Avantika,

Your Grandfather ( my father)  is ill and he is bed ridden from last couple of weeks. From march 1st he is admitted to Apollo hospital . Hope at least  he sees you both before he passes away.

You have been held hostage and cut off  without access to your other half of your Family.

Your Loving dad. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Supreme Court Chance of meeting you

Dear Arayan ( Kanna, Bujji Nana, Bujji Kanna, Aryan Kanna) & Avantika ( Baby Darling, Budugum Budugum) ,
I love you and cherish every moment I spent with you. I live with your memories thinking of you and longing for you. Somewhere you are the angels with whose blessing i am alive and survived an a scheming murder attempt on my life on 28.Aug.2018 by some real Evil Bastards and Criminals - all for Money. One thing for sure their  evil designs will not succeed, they will burn in Hell. Their evil and poisonous mind will burn them inside out. I Pray God that you be protected from those evil people swirling around you. 

On 25.Feb.2019 The Supreme Court has directed bring that you be brought to Delhi to meet your Papa!!! I am eagerly looking forward to it,  to meet you,  hug you and hold you both in my arms.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

02/11/2019: Indian Supreme court

Dear Aryan and Avantika, My darlings and my little Angels,

Tomorrow Supreme court India will hear couple of matters relating to whether you can see,  meet and spend quality time with your father.  I hope they have time to fathom fact from fiction  and see through farrago of distortions, misrepresentations, insinuations, blatant lies are being peddled as Gospel of truth by an evil mind. I pray for all of us. 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Importance of Marriage and consequences of marrying a wrong person

Dear Aryan & Avantika,

You might not understand this now but you will when you grow up.

There are two things in life that we have control over : (i) one is Education & Career, (ii) the other is Marriage. Rest everything else we don't have much control.

- Understand your Education is the founding stone on which your personality and career is built, it is a ticket to decent  life and living. Second most important is your life partner. It is not the 2nd most important but THE MOST important thing. If you have a happy partner, and happy marital life you will  live decent and fulfilling life even with normal education and job. You will be content even if you don't have luxuries. You will enjoy simple pleasures in life and appreciate small things and above all memories you build with your loving partner and companion and your children.

BUT IF  you marry a wrong person ( GOD FORBID)  your  life will be a living hell,  and if you have children with such person, both your life and your children lives will be ruined. Your family lineage will be destroyed and your life may come to a premature end. It is worse than anything your will ever face in life. This you can never change. It will haunt you till death.

It is like planting  a poisonous  tree in your house and eating its poisonous fruits. Nothing can cause more damage than such an evil person in your life. They will destroy you inside out. You can never appease them, you can never talk reason with them. They will slowly but surely become death on to you.

When you grow up, you just make sure you really have healthy long time relation before ever jumping into marriage. The sacredness of marriage is long dead, today people marry for various reasons most important is money/property not because they love you. 

Find people who are genuine, well educated ( that is to some extent measure of their stability), and happy and normal. Take long time years to get to know a person, just don't jump in given to few moments of nice talk. Exchange ideas, and share thoughts and you will eventually come to know a person whether you can live with that person or not. Give ample time may be years before you start living with someone. Always look for strong successful and compassionate person. Sympathize  with losers but don't marry them don't get into relationship with such person. Understand money and wealth is not the measure of success.

Read lots of books and good novels to know society and people. reading books broadens your perspective and it is like learning from others experiences both good and bad.

I love and i care for you and constantly think of you. But our lives are entangled with evil.


I hope you read this one day before it is too late.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

time is passing by

Dear Aryan ( Kanna) & Avantika ( Budugum Budugum)
I hope one day you grow up search for you Papa and may stumble upon this blog. Hopefully you will be able to understand  the loss and trauma your Papa suffered missing you, your childhood and constantly thinking of you. You are the reason papa was living for.

Some vile people  in order to fulfill their 'perceived' vengeance don't mind destroying children's lives, rob their childhood, poison their mind against their father, sever parental bond such people are  worse from evil, criminals to the core.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Grieving for you

Dear Aryan ( kanna, bujji nanna,bujji kanna )  & Avantika ( baby fellow, my budugum budugum,  my darling baby ) 

“Grief never ends… But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith… It is the price of love.”

— Unknown