Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7

Lot of things happened last one month. It has dawned upon me that there won't be any amicable settlement. Anyways not a happy state to be in.

Im sitting in KBR park writing this blog waiting for your mother to tell me when i can pickup you up. Today I took you to meet her at 4.30 pm. Got 1/2 hour late  due to traffic. I was  not feeling comfortable   sitting opposite to her and wanted to get away from there . You are happy to see her. I was feeling like a stranger, the thought of inevitablilty that you would go one day to her is discomforting.  I wish this case ends soon so that I can return you to her and move on. Hopefully she will get along with her life and  you kids and wont harass me for something or other. Given what she is that's what she will do, even if I want peace  she won't let me live in peace. 

Hopefully Monday judge quashes this case.

One thing that keeps coming back to mind again and again is how comfortable people are telling blatant lies with no sense of guilt and defending/justifying those lies to the hilt. I guess that shows who they are and their upbringing. Hopefully I will the light at end of the tunnel sooner than later.

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