Monday, September 17, 2018

Fighting against the System

Aryan Kanna/Bujji Nanna & Baby Darling, my Budugum Budugum Avantika baby

I am fighting against the system to ensure you have access to your father, his love affection care and guidance, above all your precious time to bond and grow, feel normal that you have a loving father who loves and breaths for you.

The system is biased, words have no meaning, anything can be twisted to mean whatever powers that be  want mean.

  • "Best interest of child"  means being with mother no matter how cruel and deviant that person is. Despite she cutting off children from their father. 
  • One hand they talk about Gender equality on the other say  "Abala Nari. "
  • Role of Father in the life of children is only given lip service. it is almost equated to play thing. 
  • Word Justice is a 7 letter word it means nothing, when system is over loaded, laws made complex and complicated, and made with vote bank politics in mind. 

Kanna Aryan and Baby my Budugum Budugum ( it means bubbles ) I am doing every possible thing, a one man army fighting against the systemic prejudice with in the Law and administration of Law.  I hope and pray that you grow up Normal and Happy.

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