Friday, December 30, 2016

Dec 31, 2016

My Son Aryan & My Baby Avantika

Today is 31st of 2016. Both of you growing up fast. I have seen god in your eyes, in your hugs, in your smile, in your laugh, in your tender hands and feet, in your breath and in everything that make you.  I truly felt you are my  walking, living  talking god  who has come down to live with me.   I wanted to raise you in pristine environment  with values, virtues, ethics, compassion and love. so the you imbibe all the virtues for becoming a good person devoid of negative emotions. I dreamt of a future where im there with you always to guide you, believed that is my purpose in life.

Unfortunately you have been separated form me by evil who are only after money- some how by hook or crook extract money keeping you as hostage. little do they realize how crooked they are and how futile their malicious actions are. They will burn down with their own greed.

I'll wait for you  till the day you are grown up and where you are without fear come to your Papa.  I know  you come back to me.

I love you and miss you Kanna & Baby. My Prayers are with you to protect you from poisonous environment around you.

Your truly loving Papa. 

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