Saturday, September 19, 2015

your unfortunate mother never saw marriage as abode of  happiness and bliss. She felt that as tool of extraction, demands with no responsibilities, a ticket to easy life and riches. Her mind is fully occupied with greed for assets, hatred built against other because she felt them as barriers to  grabbing someone eases property. She never ever felt, love compassion and affection to anyone not did she do anything in marriage.  After you came along and later Avantika she started using you as tools of extraction because I  used love you both more than my life. She is to revel in my pain and separation from you. To an extent that i had to beg her, crawl on my knees to  to see you talk to you and baby.  She is a evil psychopath  who filed dowry harassment cases against you  father her previous husband. You Nanny and Nanna are the corrpt minds aiding her and separating us.  She has no sense of shame dignity or self-respect. We are cursed with these evil people in our lives. 

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